The story begins with the return of one half of a pair of twins to her small hometown in Louisiana. The Vignes girls, as identical in appearance as they are opposite in character, begin inseparable and end worlds apart. Brit Bennett’s The Vanishing Half tells the strange story of their lives, and those of their daughters.
Written in the style of a memoir, Broome’s book charts the complex histories of her own family as well as that of her hometown, New Orleans.
On the 8th of July 2020, Jennifer Neal joined us on zoom and gave us some insights into her work. She is an Australian-American writer, artist and occasional stand-up comedian who currently lives in Berlin. She has published short stories and a wide array of journalistic articles and essays, and has recently finished a novel. Jennifer talked to us about writing nature and environment, and shared some thoughts on speculative fiction.
What makes Freshwater exceptional and so valuable as a literary intervention is the way it turns Western epistemologies of mental health on their head.
Valeria Luiselli teaches at Columbia University in New York, and works as a journalist in Mexico and the USA. She published her excellent novel Lost Children Archive in 2019. From the very first pages, I fell in love with the book: with Luiselli’s gentle narrative voice, and with the family’s soundscape, whom my reading allowed […]
This essay is the first in a four-part series on Afropolitanism and literature. Taiye Selasi was one of the first people to introduce the term Afropolitanism and uses it to describe her identity.
On August 5, 2019, Toni Morrison passed away. She is one of the most distinguished and inspiring African American authors.
Freundschaft, Familie und Gemeinschaft unterliegen vielen Zwängen, Bennett kritisiert in den Beziehungsgeflechten ihres Buches besonders die Maßregelung weiblicher Körper und Rollen.
Colson Whiteheads Roman erzählt eindrücklich davon, wie eine Frau der Versklavung in den US-amerikanischen Südstaaten entkommen will – ein Wettlauf um Leben und Tod.