Online-Lecture with Ervin Malakaj as part of the #Vorzeichen series
Join us for an online lecture with Ervin Malakaj about literature in, not of, Germany on zoom on June, 4.
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Join us for an online lecture with Ervin Malakaj about literature in, not of, Germany on zoom on June, 4.
more...If you are interested in postcolonial literature but don’t really know where to begin, we put together a list of 5 postcolonial classics for you.
more...Like any respectable Indian family, the Shantis didn’t use the house kitchen, they cooked in their garage.
more...For our online magazine, we are looking for contributions on the topic of “Ideas that Travel”.
more...Season of the Shadow reads like a crime novel, and its dark historic background unfolds only little by little: the history of the transatlantic slave trade.
more...We founded poco.lit. just before the start of the Corona pandemic. That’s why we’ve only had a few opportunities to meet you in real life. We would like to change that now and create an opportunity to get to know you: We cordially invite you to our first poco.lit. Community Event with a reading stage.
more...poco.lit. has now been in existence for two years. If you would like to help make poco.lit. more sustainable, and help us to continue making it a space of high quality content, you can now support us through Steady.
more...We’re happy to announce the poco.lit. newsletter! If you choose to opt-in, you will receive updates from us once a month. We’ll let you know about developments in our current projects and give an overview of the content we’ve posted in the past four weeks.
more...We are delighted to announce a call for submissions! As a part of our Green Library series, we will publish some original, previously unpublished pieces on nature and the environment.