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Magazin: Nigeria

Amos Tutuola
The Palm-Wine Drinkard

“I was a palm-wine drinkard since I was a boy of ten years of age. I had no other work than to drink palm-wine in my life.” So begins Amos Tutuola’s famed The Palm-Wine Drinkard, which came out in 1952 and is widely feted as the first West African novel in English published internationally.


Tomi Obaro
Dele Weds Destiny

Tomi Obaro’s debut novel Dele Weds Destiny appealed to me with its beautiful, flashy cover and the prospect of a story about girlfriends. The book with its simple prose and predictable characters was welcome company on a very hot beach day.


Akwaeke Emezi
The Death of Vivek Oji

As one has come to expect of Emezi’s work, The Death of Vivek Oji successfully shakes up conservative constructions of gender. The writer illustrates the loneliness that can come with not conforming to social norms regarding gender and sexuality; the profound pain of not being able to be the person you are.


Afrofuturism and Africanfuturism

The Afrofuturist movement strives for a space for independence and self-determination for Black people and rejects European universalism. Yet writers on the African continent have also expressed how this label doesn’t speak to and for what they are doing…
