Sensuous knowledge is a way of knowing more than your mind, with your body and soul. This book is not just a biting rebuff to Europatriarchy, but an attempt to centre ways of seeing and knowing the world that are better for everyone.
Afrofuturism is a future-oriented concept that centers Africa and/or Blackness. The Afro-German academic activist and curator Natasha A. Kelly explains in her recently published anthology that Afrofuturism 2.0 builds on the theoretical and artistic legacy of W.E.B. Du Bois.
This essay is the last in a four-part series on Afropolitanism and literature. SchwarzRund’s intervention in the Afropolitan literary market thus stands out not only because of the setting and language of the novel, but also because of its evidently intersectional approach.
This essay is the third in a four-part series on Afropolitanism and literature. Brian Chikwava has not written a theoretical treatise on Afropolitanism. But his novel Harare North has been much discussed in the context of Afropolitanism.
Alongside the writer Taiye Selasi, who was introduced in the first essay in this series, the political scientist Achille Mbembe is regarded as a key torchbearer of Afropolitanism. Mbembe presents Afropolitanism as an ethico-political stance.
This essay is the first in a four-part series on Afropolitanism and literature. Taiye Selasi was one of the first people to introduce the term Afropolitanism and uses it to describe her identity.