Green Library: Call for Submissions
We are delighted to announce a call for submissions! poco.lit. is a platform for postcolonial literatures in the widest sense. For our Green Library series, we invited writers to speak about their thoughts on writing nature and the environment. As a part of the series, we would like to publish some original, previously unpublished pieces. In line with poco.lit.’s broader aims, we strive to publish lesser-heard voices and perspectives, particularly (but not limited to) those from the global South, Black People, People of Colour and Indigenous writers.
Publication of Works
We will be publishing between five to ten pieces of original, unpublished writing on our website www.pocolit.com until the end of the year. As poco.lit. is a bilingual platform, we invite you to submit writing in either English or German. If selected, your piece will be translated and published in both languages.
The author of each published piece of work will receive € 150.00 for a prose piece. You’ll need to be able to issue an invoice and be paid via bank transfer (in Europe) or PayPal.
If published, your submission’s copyright will remain with you. The edited text will be licensed for use on poco.lit.’s website. You’ll be free to re-publish your work in future with credit to poco.lit. for first publication.
- Send us your most surprising, challenging or funniest works. Engage with our Green Library theme.
- Submission types: You can submit short stories, creative non-fiction, or something more experimental.
- Word Limit: 2,500 words.
- Deadline: 15 September 2020.
- Email submissions to pocolitinfo@gmail.com with “GREEN LIBRARY SUBMISSION” in the subject line.
- Send all submissions as Word Docs (.doc,.docx, or .odt) with the filename as follows: YourNameTitleOfSubmission.doc
- Font and format: 12pt, double spaced, no headers or footers in formatting please.
- In your email, tell us a bit about yourself and what inspired your entry, as well as a photo of you or something you find inspirational. We will use this to introduce you and your contribution to our readers on social media.
- Include the following submission form:
- Name (as you wish to be credited):
- Email address:
- Title of Submission:
- Word Count:
- Brief Summary of your Submission (1-2 Sentences):
- If you identify as belonging to a structurally disadvantaged group, and feel comfortable sharing this with us, we would encourage you to do so:
- Anything else you would like us to know:
The Green Library series is supported by the Berlin Senate.