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Commissioned texts on German colonialism

In addition to our work as editors of poco.lit., we offer a number of services in related fields, predominantly but not exclusively concerned with postcolonial topics. Recently, a number of magazines have been published to which we contributed: three booklets on Berlin’s colonial entanglements and a magazine on German colonialism in China.


Namwali Serpell’s upcoming The Furrows: An Elegy

Namwali Serpell’s second novel The Furrows: An Elegy is due out next year, and it promises to be a book to look out for. In September, Serpell already presented the novel in an online sitting of the W. E. B. Du Bois Research Institute Colloquium Series.


Of whale sharks and homemakers – for gender-sensitive translation

Anyone who wants to do a quick translation is probably happy to fall back on technological aids once in a while: Google Translate, Linguee or DeepL are widely known by now. But machine translation can prevent linguistic progress or the successful establishment of non-discriminatory language. Translation programmes draw from already existing texts – and these are far from being free of discrimination. That’s why we’re excited that our macht.sprache. project will be able to develop an integration with existing translation websites to support gender-sensitive translation with the help of the Prototype Fund.


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We’re happy to announce the poco.lit. newsletter! If you choose to opt-in, you will receive updates from us once a month. We’ll let you know about developments in our current projects and give an overview of the content we’ve posted in the past four weeks.


Signup for poco.lit.’s Newsletter

We’re happy to announce the poco.lit. newsletter! If you choose to opt-in, you will receive updates from us once a month. We’ll let you know about developments in our current projects and give an overview of the content we’ve posted in the past four weeks.
