Call for Submissions – What is Postcolonialism?
In 2024 we will start a new project with the kind support of the Lotto Foundation Berlin: [poco.lit. space]. We want to create various spaces to discuss and learn about postcolonialism. One of these spaces will be our online magazine and we are looking for your contributions. This is our first call for submissions, more will follow throughout the next year.
From January to April we would like to explore a fundamental question: What is postcolonialism? You can find one introductory text here. Now, we invite you to write about further aspects of postcolonialism, about books, concepts, themes and people that are relevant for this field. Please get in touch with us, if you want to review a postcolonial classic or a recently published book that is important for the postcolonial debate; if you want to write a short article about Frantz Fanon, bell hooks, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak or other relevant thinkers; if you want to interview authors, activists or scholars who actively shapes the debate; or if you have other ideas that might be a good fit.
- Types of text: reviews, essays & interviews
- Word limit: Reviews 300-500 words, Essays & Interviews 800-1200 words
- Language: English or German
- Payment: Reviews 60 €, essays and interviews 120 € (You need a European bank account or Paypal.)
First we just want your pitch, you can send the entire piece later. Send us your pitch to info@ts-cw.de with the subject “poco.lit. space pitch.” We accept submissions on a rolling basis and will announce on social media when the submission phase is complete. If your suggestion is a good fit for poco.lit., we will discuss further arrangements with you.
We welcome creative, thoughtful and accessible pieces!