Within the framework of the Resonance program organized by the Goethe-Institutes in France, Justine Coquel and Anna von Rath chatted with Lucie Lamy, who, together with Jean-Philippe Rossignol, translated May Ayim’s works into French.
Join us for an online lecture with Ervin Malakaj about literature in, not of, Germany on zoom on June, 4.
One of our aims with poco.lit. is to try to demystify some of the core ideas in and around postcolonial studies. Here we’ve compiled 7 introductory essays that discuss different aspects of postcolonialism.
If you are interested in postcolonial literature but don’t really know where to begin, we put together a list of 5 postcolonial classics for you.
For our online magazine, we are looking for contributions on the topic of “Ideas that Travel”.
Anna von Rath and Lucy Gasser co-founded poco.lit. and macht.sprache. These projects involved a lot of research, conversations with experts, workshops and inputs for different target audiences. Many of the discussions and learnings can soon be found in their book Macht Sprache. Ein Manifest für mehr Gerechtigkeit. The book will be published on August 1, 2024.
For Feminist Fight Day, we present some books in which feminism is a central theme and that have left a lasting impression on us.
We could introduce Sharon Dodua Otoo by way of the many prestigious accolades she has received, but really her work speaks for itself. At poco.lit. we’ve been fans of her work for a long time and are delighted to present a conversation between her and her talented translator Jon Cho Polizzi as part of our event series “author meets translator”. We’ll be talking about the novel Adas Raum (Ada’s Room/Ada’s Realm), about humour, Berliner Schnauze, and doing politics in language and literature. Join us!
The editors and some authors of poco.lit. share their favorite books of 2023 – five books by incredibly talented writers from around the world.